The Executive Board meets monthly to plan meetings and events. If you have ideas for topics and speakers, contact the Chair (see contact info in "Officers" tab). Our meetings are typically rotate between the Newport News, Lynchburg, Richmond areas.
2024 Meetings and Events
Upcoming 2024 Events
Virtual Lunch and Learn meeting - December 11th 12-1pm
We are excited to invite you to the second of a series of virtual Lunch and Learn meetings focused on the âstate of nuclearâ here in Virginia.
Please join us on Wednesday, December 11th from noon-1PM for a discussion on "Nuclear in Space: From Virginia to Mars" led by Kate Kelly â Director of Space and Emerging Programs at BWXT.
RSVP is not required to attend this session. Just join the Teams link on Dec 11 at noon
Topic: "Nuclear in Space: From Virginia to Mars." Kate Kelly will discuss the intersection of space and nuclear and Virginiaâs role in furthering space exploration.
Speaker: Kate H. Kelly is the Director for Space and Emerging programs for BWXT Advanced Technologies LLC, leading the strategy and execution of the space nuclear power and propulsion and advanced concepts portfolios. Prior to this role, Ms. Kelly held positions in program management, quality control, operational excellence, and engineering with BWXT. Ms. Kelly has a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering from the University of Notre Dame. In 2022, she received the Women in Aerospace Initiative-Inspiration-Impact Award for her contributions to the space nuclear industry and her advocacy to promote women in aerospace.
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Past Events
Lisa Marshall, the current President of the American Nuclear Society, is coming to Virginia! Lisa has graciously agreed to address the Virginia ANS in two evening meetings:
- Wednesday, October 2 in Lynchburg
- Thursday, October 3 in Richmond
Lisa's topic will be "Human capacity building for the nuclear enterprise". More information will be provided shortly regarding RSVP details and more, but mark your calendars now for whichever of these dates & locations is most convenient for you!!
When: Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024
Check in starts at 5:30 p.m. (see full schedule below)
Where: Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance â Delta Star Executive Board Room -300 Lucado Place
5:30-6:00 p.m. Check in, meet and greet, refreshments
6:00-7:00 p.m. Intro from VA-ANS, Lisa presentation, Q&A
7:00-8:30 p.m. Social at Downtown Lynchburg restaurant
When: Thursday, October 3rd, 2024
Check in starts at 5:30 p.m. (see full schedule below)
Where: Dominion Energy Innsbrook - Ground Flood Auditorium - 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, VA 23060
5:30-6:00 p.m. Check in, meet and greet, refreshments
6:00-7:00 p.m. Intro from VA-ANS, Lisa presentation, Q&A
7:00-8:30 p.m. Social at Capital Ale House
Virtual Lunch with VA-ANS - Nuclear Development in Virginia
Date: September 27th from 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Speaker: April Wade, Executive Director, Virginia Nuclear Energy Consortium (VNEC)
About VNEC: The Virginia Nuclear Energy Consortium (VNEC) was established to represent stakeholders committed to advancing nuclear energy development. These stakeholders include the state of Virginia, academic institutions, nuclear energy companies, suppliers, and local organizations working together to support the growth of the nuclear industry.
Friday June 21, 2024 (Dominion Energy Digital Strategies for Subsequent License Renewal)
We are excited to announce Paul Phelps will be presenting to our section for our Annual Meeting. Paul's presentation will focus on SLR at Dominion.
As this meeting is our Section's Annual Meeting we will also discuss the 2023-2024 VA ANS year, election results and what we have going into our 2024-2025 year.
Friday, June 21, 2024
Check in starts at 5:30 pm
Presentation from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Tuesday February 27, 2024 (Joint with VCU )
This was a joint meeting with the Student Section of ANS at VCU. We heard multiple students present their research as they prepare to present at the National ANS Student Conference.
January 18, 2024 (Brandon Caldwell)
Buried Pipe Rehabilitation System by Brandon Caldwell
Brandon Caldwell, Framatome Project Engineer, will explain the industry-first buried pipe spray-in-liner rehabilitation system. Prior to the presentation there will be a short update on the VA ANS Section.
October 18, 2023 (ANS President Ken Peterson)
National ANS Update by Ken Peterson
Ken Peterson will be giving an update on The National American Nuclear Society, it's priorities and how it is impacting the future of Nuclear in American. Prior to the presentation there will be a short update on the VA ANS Section.
May 31, 2023 (Annual Meeting)
Small Modular Reactors by Todd Flowers
See meeting flyer here: VA-ANS May 31 2023 - Todd Flowers
Todd Flowers will be discussing the topic of "Small Modular Reactors, Delivering Reliable and Clean Energy through the Deployment of SMRs in the Commonwealth". Along with our technical presentation, we will be announcing and welcoming our new 2023-2024 Executive Commitee.
2022 Meetings and Events
2021 Meetings and Events
2020 Meetings and Events
2019 Meetings and Events
2018 Meetings and Events
2017 Meetings and Events
2016 Meetings and Events
2015 Meetings and Events
2014 Meetings and Events
2013 Meetings and Events
2012 Meetings and Events
2011 Meetings and Events
2010 Meeting and Events
2009 Meetings and Events
2008 Meetings and Events
2007 Meetings and Events
2006 Meetings and Events
2005 Meetings and Events
2004 Meetings and Events
2003 Meetings and Events
2002 Meetings and Events
2001 Meetings and Events
Last modified December 10, 2024, 9:16am CST